Cut-off electricity use in the evening (peak hour). Your saved electricity helps other to use it.
Pay electric bill regularly to avoid disconnection and pay bill with late payment charge.
Use standard energy saving lamp (CFL) and electrical equipments.
Use electronic ballast in tube light to save electricity.
Electricity is an expensive national asset. For the greater interest of cuntry, try to proper and moderate use of electricity.
At the end of the year, Palli Bidyut Samity issues Bill Payment Certificate.
Meter maintenance is your responsibility. Try to maintain it properly including the security of the seals.
Leave of and prevent the theft of electricity and its illegal use. Inform the One Point Service or Complain Centre regarding theft of electricity and its illegal use.
Some illegal group is engaged in the theft of Transformer/Electrical Equipment/Wires from distribution line. To prevent this crime, inform the authority about this type of occurance.
Consumer is the owner and well-wisher of PBS.
Palli Bidyut Samity don't receive any amount without proper money receipt.
PBS is operating in the principle of No Loss, No Profit.
Try to be economical in the use of electricity and leave off in the use of illegal electrical connection.
Pay electric bill regularly to avoid electric line disconnection.